Paying off student loans after college

Once you have gone through the college planning process and a student has graduated college, they may be faced with some amount in student loans. Although college planning will have reduced the amount, there still may be some to repay.

In repaying federal student loans, there are different options that a student can consider. An advisor can walk a student through them to find the best option.

In addition, a student can qualify for the Loan Forgiveness program, under which a portion of their federal student loans could be forgiven.

When going through the process of paying off student loans after graduation, an advisor can help a student to:

  • Develop an inventory of student loans
  • Develop a monthly budget
  • Analyze available repayment options
  • Go through loan forgiveness programs
  • Analyze options for loan consolidation
  • Analyze the effects of tax status and major life events under different loan repayment programs.

Having an advisor’s guidance can help a student to pay off their student loans in the most effective way after graduation.